Foot & Ankle Tendon Repair and Reconstruction | MedStar Health

MedStar Health is home to a team of doctors who specialize in surgical treatments, such as foot and ankle tendon repair surgery. Our experienced orthopedic physicians offer you the comprehensive care you need for an effective procedure and a successful recovery. Our surgeons are fellowship-trained in foot and ankle surgery and specialize exclusively in caring for lower extremity conditions.

What is foot and ankle tendon repair and reconstruction?

The tendons behind the outside bone of the ankle, also called the peroneal tendons, allow the foot to move outwards. These tendons balance the ankle and prevent the foot from constantly turning inwards. Because they are slightly weaker than the tendons on the inside of the ankle, they are prone to injury when a sprained ankle occurs. When these tendons are injured, you may need tendon repair and reconstruction surgery, also known as peroneal tendon surgery.

What are the benefits?

  • Foot and ankle pain relief
  • Restored range of motion in the foot or ankle
  • Improved foot or ankle strength
  • Ability to return to normal activities

Why is this surgery performed?

The tendons in your feet and ankles may become injured or torn due to disease (such as diabetes or arthritis), overuse, structural abnormalities, or a sports injury. When the tendons are injured or torn, you will usually have swelling and intense pain, and the outside of the ankle may feel unstable. When non-surgical methods are not able to remedy your condition, you may need tendon repair or reconstruction.

What is involved?

When your tendons are torn, your doctor may recommend tendon reconstruction surgery to repair them. For less severe tears, suturing may suffice. If you have a chronic tear, your doctor will use tendon tissue grafts, taken either from elsewhere in the leg or from a tissue bank, in order to reconstruct the tendon.

Your doctor may also recommend tendon repair surgery. During the procedure, your surgeon will sew the ends of your tendon together and confirm that no other injuries occurred to the surrounding tissue.

What does recovery involve?

We work alongside you and your family to create a personalized recovery plan. When needed, we will also help connect you with other specialists to ensure that you have access to everything you need during your recovery. In general, patients will likely need to stay off of the affected foot following surgery for a period of time—usually several weeks. You should keep your splints and bandages in place until your doctor gives you further instructions.